Thursday, December 25, 2008

Well, the verdict's in!

I want to thank all of you that took the time to share with me your thoughts on my starting my own RC-related podcast. I am amazed at the response!! I've read tons of emails from you guys telling me to move forward with this project, but not a single one telling me "Hey man, just stop already!".

I have been busy working up a format that will be informative and, hopefully, enjoyable. I am, however, stumped over what to name this thing!

If you have any suggestions on a name for my new show, please feel free to drop me an email.

Many thanks for your support!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

One Door Closes, Another Opens?

As some of you have noticed, I will no longer be a fixture on RCFlightCast. Frank and Brian have decided to change the format back to be more of a father-and-son show.

I have received some very nice emails from some of you that have told me that I'll be missed. I am very thankful for your sentiments. I really enjoyed playing my small part in RCFC and have established many friendships because of that opportunity.

Before I hooked up with RCFC, I was seriously contemplating starting my own podcast. You see, the Radio Control Hobby is almost like a religion with me. I never miss an opportunity to share my hobby with anyone that will listen, or anyone interested in learning to fly. It's just so much fun and I enjoy helping out any way I can so that others can enjoy the hobby as I do!

The question I have for anyone reading this is:

Is there interest out there in another RC- and CNC-related podcast hosted by yours truly?

If so, I will acquire the server space and get started putting something together right away. If not, then I won't pursue it.

Please feel free to email me directly at Crash.Hancock(AT)