Thursday, July 3, 2008

OMG! Hobby People Deliver Big Time!

If you listened to RCFlightCast episode #12, you heard me tell about the new kits that I ordered from Well, they arrived TODAY! Since I only paid $15 each for the two Rhythm 3D Biplanes and $20 for the WildWing, I honestly wasn't expecting much in the ol' Quality Department. WOW; was I wrong!

All three kits totalled about $55 including shipping and they arrived completely intact. The quality of these airplanes is amazing! I have already perused both of the instruction manuals, and they seem to be quite well written, as well. I bought these for Winter projects, but I may have to go ahead and get started building these within the next week. I foresee pleasurable builds for both!

As a bonus, I can see that the WildWing kit includes the fiber strapping tape used for re-enforcement. I have NEVER purchased as kit that included this stuff! When that late night urge to build has bitten me in the past, it usually meant making a trip to the 24 hour WallyMart to get tape before I could start the build. Not with this kit!

I'll report more after I embark on the building of these; right now I need to finish making my preparations for our Independence Day celebration tomorrow.

Head on over to and check out their wares. If their other offerings are anything close to the quality and value of what I received today, I'm certain that you won't be disappointed!

I'll leave you with two additional pics of the open boxes - note the fuselage on the Bipe as it comes already built and ALL carbon fiber has been included!

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