Thursday, December 18, 2008

One Door Closes, Another Opens?

As some of you have noticed, I will no longer be a fixture on RCFlightCast. Frank and Brian have decided to change the format back to be more of a father-and-son show.

I have received some very nice emails from some of you that have told me that I'll be missed. I am very thankful for your sentiments. I really enjoyed playing my small part in RCFC and have established many friendships because of that opportunity.

Before I hooked up with RCFC, I was seriously contemplating starting my own podcast. You see, the Radio Control Hobby is almost like a religion with me. I never miss an opportunity to share my hobby with anyone that will listen, or anyone interested in learning to fly. It's just so much fun and I enjoy helping out any way I can so that others can enjoy the hobby as I do!

The question I have for anyone reading this is:

Is there interest out there in another RC- and CNC-related podcast hosted by yours truly?

If so, I will acquire the server space and get started putting something together right away. If not, then I won't pursue it.

Please feel free to email me directly at Crash.Hancock(AT)


Bill said...

Yes, you should continue. I thought your excellent radio voice and pleasant personality made the show work. A couple friends and I were talking about starting one after the first of the year. An Englishman, a retired pilot and a cop. Like you we love the hobby.

Bill Bongle

Crash said...

Thanks for your kind words, Bill. There has been an incredible response from this blog entry! I am working up a show format now and seriously thinking of launching something after the first of the new year.

Now the big question - do I go it solo or recruit a cohost? lol