Monday, January 12, 2009

My First Podcast!

After about a month of research, I finally got everything set up, albeit rough, and have created my first podcast!

Admittedly, the first one is a bit rough and doesn't contain all the flair (both the website and the 'cast) that the other guys have, but it's a start!

I have submitted the show to iTunes, but I expect it will take a few days for it to "take". Until then, feel free to cruise over to the site and listen online or download it direct to your computer to put on any mp3 player of your liking. I have a lot of cool stuff planned for the future, but will be holding off on the more difficult stuff until I get the easier stuff all figured out.

Please feel free to offer up any comments or suggestions to help me make this show the best I can.

Click here for the new show!

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